Career Resources

The WICT Network Washington DC/Baltimore Chapter is committed to providing quality resources for its membership. Here you can find career planning, job hunting and transition resources.
Scholarship Opportunity for Members in Career Transition
Job Hunting Resources
Sample Cover Letter
Resume Resources:
The WICT Network Global Member In Transition Resources
Discounted Member Dues
$100 off Regular or Executive-level member dues for current members in transition. Members must contact The WICT Network directly at membership@wict.org to renew at the transitional rate.
The WICT Network Job Center
Free for job seekers to post resumes and search positions, as well as set up alerts.
The WICT Network Leadership Conference Fellowships
Fellowships alleviate the burden of travel and registration expenses.
Access to The WICT Network Connects
A resource offering distance learning opportunities. This includes The WICT Network’s Online Learning Library, a series of interactive online courses and recorded sessions from our Leadership Conference.

Women In Career Transition Webinar
Keynote address covering workplace trends, and a panel discussion on resume tips, interview preparation, navigating the online application process, career paths and pivoting, freelancing, job hunting during a pandemic and more with the following experts:
Vonya Alleyne - Vice President, People Solutions, Cox Communications
Sara Conde – Program Director, Executive Advisory Services, MBO Partners and Founder & Owner of Sara Caso Conde, LLC
Renee Hauch - EVP Search Management & Research, CarlsenResources inc.
Jason Levin - Career, Business Development and Outplacement Coach, Ready, Set, Launch, LLC
Lynn Romano - Lead Recruiter, Charter Communications
The session was moderated by Monica Lucero, WICT Board Member.